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Risk Management

Companies and financial institutions face many risks: from geopolitical tensions, changing laws and policies to rising interest rates, tightened lending criteria, tense labor markets and more.

These and other events require adequate risk management frameworks and related strategies. Risk management consists of the whole set of frameworks, policies and procedures to navigate and report risks that a company or financial institution is willing to take or trying to avoid. Top-performing companies centralize risk management activities to have them managed by a strategic team. Such teams use data and analytics to embed risk management into the overall strategy and planning process.

ATB has a unique, tailor-made approach to assist its clients in the creation of a risk management framework. We help address and manage various risks that companies and financial institutions face on a daily basis. In accordance with regulatory requirements, as well as with internal reporting standards, we guide our clients to develop risk appetite statements and limit frameworks, define criteria to navigate and report risks on a periodic basis.

We take care of all aspects of risk management so our clients can focus on growth.


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